May 31, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Municipal Information Network
Canadians Respond to Ukrainian Crisis
By Gord Hume

March 3, 2022

No one should be surprised at the outpouring of support and assistance for the Ukrainian people that has come from towns and cities across Canada.

From rallying at public squares and city halls, to donating a few dollars to legitimate aid agencies, to preparing to welcome refugees, to banding together in condemning the irrational and illegal invasion by Vladimir Putin, Canadians have once again stood proudly against this international outrage.

The Ukrainian diaspora reaches far and wide in Canada. It touches many, many Canadian families. Many more know of friends and neighbours who are impacted by this war.

The people across the hall from me are Ukrainian. We got to know the matriarch over the past few years. We had her over for dinner and a little wine several times, including a Christmas when she was going to be alone. We got to know her kids. She passed away a few months ago. She owned three apartments in downtown Kyiv. I spoke with her daughter yesterday; they have no idea if their tenants are still there, if the apartments are still standing, or if they will ever receive legal title to these valuable properties. More importantly, they don't know what is happening to their first cousins who live in Kyiv.

Many Canadians have similar stories or know friends who do. A lot of people feel this personally. They are angry about this war and fearful about the slaughter that seems to be accelerating.

Many more Canadians instinctively understand that this fight is also about democracy versus an authoritarian dictator and way of government. Democracy is not guaranteed in this volatile world; sometimes it must be fought for and won.

Perhaps Putin underestimated both the will of the Ukrainian people, who are displaying incredible courage and fortitude, as well as the international condemnation that has arisen in the past week.

Again, individuals are playing an important role. The sports world is condemning Putin's actions and banning various sports events or Russian participants from competing. Tourists who had a Baltic cruise planned this summer are cancelling their visit to St Petersburg or even the entire cruise. People are refusing to buy Russian products. The collective impact of such small, individual statements and actions will have a cumulative negative impact on the Russian economy.

That will take time, however. And the reality is that the Russian military will most likely defeat Ukraine in any prolonged battle. They will never defeat the Ukrainian spirit and people, however. Battles may be concluding but the war effort by the people will not rest until freedom returns.

Canadian cities have also stepped forward. Some are flying a Ukraine gold and blue flag at city hall. Some have made public space available for meetings and support. Some are passing resolutions at Council. Some are displaying blue and gold lights on civic buildings. And more.

War is ugly. The TV footage from Ukraine makes that point once again. People die. Families are torn apart. Homes are brutally destroyed. Lives are forever changed.

In that chaos and horror, Canada and Canadians are a beacon of hope and stability. There is more that we can do, and will do.

That is why our towns and cities are so vital to a thriving, strong and supportive nation; in times of crisis, we come together to help others as we leave the pettiness behind.

I was touched by the responses from so many of you to my column last week about this awful situation. You shared personal experiences with me. I want to thank you for your comments and for your actions.

The war is not over. It may well have an ugly ending, at least for now. But the brave people of Ukraine are not giving up. they are fighting with astonishing courage and commitment. Let's continue our support. And thank you.

For more information

Municipal Information Network
Adresse: 475, Montée Masson #102
Mascouche Quebec
Canada J7K 2L6
Gord Hume

Gord Hume is recognized as one of Canada's leading voices on municipal government and is an articulate and thoughtful commentator on civic government and community issues. He is a very popular public speaker, an advisor to municipal governments, and a respected and provocative author.

Gord was elected to London City Council four times. He has had a distinguished career in Canadian business, managing radio stations and as Publisher of a newspaper. Gord received two “Broadcaster of the Year' awards. He is now President of Hume Communications Inc., a professional independent advisor to municipalities.